Whitehead, M.L. (2024) Emergency care of injured wild deer: advice for companion animal practices. In Practice 46(8), 432-443.
Whitehead, M.L. (2023) Responsible antimicrobial usage in small animal practice (ch. 17). In: Infection Control in Small Animal Clinical Practice. Eds: Allerton F. & Bowlt Blacklock K. CABI Digital Library, pp 288-318. Doi: 10.1079/9781789244977.0017
Whitehead, M.L. (2023) Do routine, elective gonadectomies really increase dogs’ lifespan? Veterinary Practice News, 35(4), April 2023, 30-31.
Jessop, M., Pilny, A., Warwick, C. & Whitehead, M.L. (2023) Evidential thresholds for species suitability in captivity (ch. 16). In: Health and Welfare of Captive Reptiles, 2nd ed. Eds: Warwick C., Arena P.C., & Burghardt G.M. Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp 509-534. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-86012-7_16
Whitehead, M.L. (2022) Pheasants and red-legged partridges in Britain – how many are there and what are their fates? Proceedings of the British Veterinary Zoological Society meeting, November 2022, Aston, p37.
Whitehead, M.L., Perkins, R. (2022) Responsible usage of ectoparasiticides in small animal practice. BSAVA Companion, Sept 2022, 20-25.
Whitehead, M.L. (2021) Fipronil and imidacloprid in UK waterways – the role of dog & cat ectoparasiticides. Proceedings of the British Veterinary Zoological Society meeting, September 2021, session 2.
Hedley, J., Whitehead, M.L., Munns, C., Pellett, S., Abou-Zahr, T., Calvo Carrasco, D. & Wissink-Argilaga, N. (2021) Antibiotic stewardship for reptiles. Journal of Small Animal Practice 62(10):829-839. Doi: 10.1111/jsap.13402
Warwick, C., Grant, R., Steedman, C., Howell, T.J., Arena, P.C., Lambiris, A.J.L., Nash, A-E., Jessop, M., Pilny, A., Amarello, M., Gorzula, S., Spain, M., Walton, A., Nicholas, E., Mancera, K., Whitehead, M., Martinez-Silvestre, A., Cadenas, V., Whittaker, A. & Wilson, A. (2021). Getting it straight: Accomodating rectilinear behaviour in captive snakes - a review of recommendations and their evidence base. Animals 11,1459. Doi: 10.3390/ani11051459
Whitehead, M.L. (2019). Exotic animal welfare: Where are we now? ICARE - International Conference on Avian Herpetological & Exotic Mammal Medicine, London April/May 2019.
Whitehead, M.L., Chambers, D., Lees, P. & Toutain, P-L. (2019). The UK veterinary profession’s response to antimicrobial resistance. Regulatory Rapporteur 16(3):10-12.
Whitehead, M.L. (2018). Periodontal disease, calculus, tooth fractures and periapical disease in wild, zoo, feral and domesticated carnivores. Proceedings of the British Veterinary Zoological Society Meeting, November 2018, Birmingham, p. 51.
Hedley, J., Wissink-Argilaga, N., Whitehead, M.L., Munns, C., Pellett, S., Abou-Zahr, T. & Calvo, D. (2018). Antibiotic usage in reptiles. Proceedings of the British Veterinary Zoological Society meeting, November 2018, Birmingham, p58.
Whitehead, M.L., Lees, P. & Toutain, P-L. (2018) Veterinary homeopathy regulation in the UK - a cause for concern. Regulatory Rapporteur 15(11):21-24.
Whitehead, M.L. (2018) Factors contributing to poor welfare of pet reptiles. Testudo 8(5):47-61.
Lees, P., Chambers, D., Pelligand, L., Toutain, P-L., Whiting, M. & Whitehead, M.L. (2017) Homeopathy in animals: Yesterday and today … but tomorrow? International Animal Health Journal 4(4):30-34.
Whitehead, M.L. (2017). Factors affecting the likelihood that pet species’ welfare needs will be met. Proceedings of the British Veterinary Zoological Society meeting, October 2017, London, p64.
Lees, P., Chambers, D., Pelligand, L., Toutain, P-L., Whiting, M. & Whitehead, M.L. (2017) Comparison of veterinary drugs and veterinary homeopathy: part 1. Veterinary Record 181:170-176. Doi: 10.1136/vr.104278
Lees, P., Chambers, D., Pelligand, L., Toutain, P-L., Whiting, M. & Whitehead, M.L. (2017) Comparison of veterinary drugs and veterinary homeopathy: part 2. Veterinary Record 181:198-207. Doi: 10.1136/vr.104279
Whitehead, M.L. (2017). Human psychological and sociological factors influencing the suitability of species to be pets. Proceedings of the British Small Animal Veterinary Association, April 2017, Birmingham, p550.
Burman, O.H.P., Collins, L.M., Hoehfurtner, T., Whitehead, M. & Wilkinson, A. (2016) Cold-blooded care: Understanding reptile care and implications for their welfare. Testudo 8(3):83-86.
Whitehead, M.L., Canfield, P.J, Johnson, R., O'Brien, C.R., Malik, R. (2016) Case-based clinical reasoning in feline medicine 3: Use of heuristics and illness scripts. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery18(5):418-426.
Canfield, P.J., Whitehead, M.L., Johnson, R., O'Brien, C.R., Malik, R. (2016) Case-based clinical reasoning in feline medicine 2: Managing cognitive error.Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 18(3):240-247.
Canfield, P.J., Whitehead, M.L., Johnson, R., O'Brien, C.R., Malik, R. (2016) Case-based clinical reasoning in feline medicine 1: Intuitive and analytic systems. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 18(1):35-45.
Whitehead, M.L. (2016) Welfare of pet reptiles. BSAVA Companion Jan 2016: 26-27.
Whitehead, M.L.(2015). The Animal Welfare Act (2006) as it applies to traditional and 'exotic' pets: Intention and practice. Proceedings of the British Veterinary Zoological Society meeting, November 2015, Bristol Zoo, p48.
Chitty, J., Barrows, M., Feltrer, Y., Flach, E., Grilo, M., Justice, W., Sayers, G., Thornton, S. & Whitehead, M. (2015). A Review of Avian Malaria in Penguins in UK Zoos. In N. Chai, M. Huynh, C. Pignon & L. Schilliger (Eds.). Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Avian Herpetological and Exotic Mammal Medicine (ICARE) p.263. Paris, France.
Whitehead, M.L. (2015). "80% of entire female rabbits get uterine adenocarcinoma." A case report of a veterinary factoid. Proceedings of the British Veterinary Zoological Society meeting, March 2015, Loughborough University, p37.
Whitehead, M.L., Roberts, V. (2014). Backyard poultry: legislation, zoonoses and disease prevention. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 55(10):487-496.
Whitehead, M.L. (2014). Regulations regarding prescribing and permitted procedures for backyard poultry. Proceedings of the British Veterinary Zoological Society meeting, November 2014, Lancaster University, p36.
Whitehead, M.L. (2014). Pet reptile welfare and positive lists. Proceedings of the British Veterinary Zoological Society meeting, March 2014, Marwell Zoo, p32.
Malik, R., O'Brien, C., Whitehead, M. (2010). The fight against some formidable fungal foes. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 12:669-671.