
Aquatic Veterinary Services

Fish can suffer from a wide range of diseases and husbandry complications, yet many veterinary practices are not comfortable dealing with fish. At Chipping Norton Veterinary Hospital, we are happy to treat fish.

Nathalie Wissink-Argilaga CertAVP(ZM), DZM(Reptilian), MRCVS, an RCVS-recognised Specialist in Zoo Animal and Wildlife Medicine, and Martin Whitehead, BSc, PhD, BVSc, CertSAM, MRCVS, have years of experience treating pet and zoo fish among a wide range of other species.

  • Telephone, e-mail or in-clinic consults


  • At our hospital we provide services for x-rays, ultrasound, blood collection, post mortems and surgical procedures


  • We treat all pond, freshwater or salt-water aquarium fish


  • We also treat other aquatic / marine species including corals, and amphibians such as axolotls and frogs

Ornamental and Pet Fish

When bringing ornamental or pet fish for a consult, we advise that all clients bring their fish in their own tank water, for example in a bucket or polythene bag.


If you cannot use your own tank water during transport, please bring a sample of the tank water separately. 


Video footage and photographs can be useful for assessing fish behaviour in their own tanks, and the tank set-up.

Contact us for visit fees